Preparation, Development, and Follow-up of the Job Interview - Tips For Company

The recruiters of the human resources department have one of the most relevant responsibilities within a company: selecting the best talent. Of course, this task requires careful analysis of the candidates; Although the CVs of future employees can give us a good idea of their profile, the truth is that it is always a strategy to conduct job interviews to get to know the candidates in depth.

Through a conversation, recruiters can identify things that might go unnoticed at first glance, assess their personality and level of communication, and even learn about some of the applicants' habits. But how to design a job interview that allows you to really get to know the prospects?

This is Tips For Company or Entrepreneurs who want to recruit employees. Preparation, Development and Follow-up of the Job Interview

Preparation, Development, and Follow-up of the Job Interview

1.- Preparation

  • The purpose of the job interview for the interviewee must be to convince the interviewer of the suitability of his candidacy. In order to achieve this goal, it is essential to prepare adequately for the meeting. In this section it is imperative to take note of the following points:
  • Remember the name and position of the person who will carry out the interview.
  • To be properly informed of the company (what it is dedicated to, who forms the board of directors, in which countries it is present, etc.) and the vacant position. This shows interest in the position and the company and can be more easily defended the candidacy.
  • Carry at least two curricula vitae and study it in detail. The information given during the job interview regarding one's knowledge or work experience, must match perfectly with what is shown in the curriculum vitae.
  • Prepare possible questions. It is difficult to predict exactly what you are going to ask in the interview, but it is good to prepare yourself two or three general questions that are usually common to almost all job interviews. Why do you think we should select you? Qualities and defects? Why would you like to work here? What could you bring to the company? etc. To avoid improvisation as much as possible, it is best to perform a SWOT analysis (Weaknesses, Strengths, Threats and Opportunities) through which we can:
  • Highlight the strengths
  • Propose solutions to weak points
  • Turn threats into opportunities
  • Relax and stay mentally agile. Rest well, do not drink too much caffeine and try to perform exercises that speed the mind; Reading, crossword puzzles, etc.
  • Take care of the appearance. It is important to dress in the right way without losing the personality of each person. It is also important to go dressed according to the position for which you choose. If the position for which the application is submitted is the director or responsible for the communication department, it is logical to go in jacket or similar suit. If the post that is offered is creative, it is not necessary to wear a dress, a more informal dress will be much better received.
  • In general terms, in relation to this point it is important to remember also that it is always better to sin from discreet to striking and that one must go neat but without abusing perfumes or makeup.
  • To be on time. Do not arrive too far in advance. If you are going to be late for any reason, it is essential to give advance notice of the delay.
  • Go only to the interview. The company of relatives, partners or friends shows lack of personality.

2. Development

Throughout the job interview different questions are asked, and although some will be simpler and less committed than others, we always advise to act in the following way:
  • Generate a pleasant climate. It is essential to be kind and cordial with the interlocutor, as well as to show a positive attitude.
  • Respond with naturalness, without showing nervousness and, above all, without lying, nor exaggerating.
  • Wait for the question to be fully formulated before giving the answer. Listen carefully to both questions and any comments that may arise during the interview.
  • Do not over-talk. Express yourself clearly and concisely. Do not respond excessively briefly, but do not unnecessarily lengthen sentences. For this, it is important to think before responding as this technique, although basic, helps not to get entangled speaking.
  • Treat you to the interviewer unless he expressly requests a more colloquial treatment.
  • Take care of body language. It is important to sit properly, avoid moving too much and gesturing too much. Do not fold your arms or put your elbows on the table.
  • Caring for verbal language. Avoid the muletillas and leave them. Try to speak slowly and in a not too low tone. In this sense, avoid radical expressions like "always" or "never" as well as words too farfetched.
  • Answer all questions. Do not refuse to ever answer. If it is an uncomfortable question, it is best to respond in a leisurely and polite way that this question is not considered relevant for the selection of the candidate.
  • Avoid speaking badly about the companies in which you have worked before.
  • Avoid showing desperation for the job. Showing enthusiasm is positive, but do not beg the job.
  • Show interest. Ask the questions, always politely, that are considered appropriate to clear all the doubts that may have in relation to the job.


3. Follow up

It is advisable that once the job interview has been completed, the candidate sends the interviewer(s) a thank you letter or email for having received them and for having taken them into account during the selection process.

Having this gesture with the company can make a candidate stand out from the rest of the applicants.

In addition to the thank you letter, it is advisable to contact the company after a few days to ask if the candidate has already been selected or not. This must be done in the most polite way possible and, above all, without showing despair about the position or being too insistent on knowing what the decision of the selection committee is. It is also important to make this contact as it denotes a high level of proactivity and interest on the part of the candidate.

Anyone who has gone through a job interview, even more than once, knows what it is like to wait for a response from a potential employer. An interviewer who misses a follow-up deadline after an interview could cause a candidate to wonder if the company moved forward with someone else in the hiring process.

After you've spent some time processing and reviewing your interview notes, send timely follow-up messages to your interviewers, either by email or handwritten.

Sometimes recruiters don't deliver interviewers' emails, so be sure to ask for their business card or ask the recruiter if you can send the interviewer a thank you message.

There are many companies that prioritize communication and hiring resources, so going ahead with your search could lead to an even better opportunity.


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