What Types of Job Interviews Are There? Get Ready!

Before entering the different interview formats, it is worth briefly detailing What is a Job Interview or Job Interview? Usually, the interview is a key moment in the recruitment process. Once the company or the HR Consultant has made a pre-selection of resumes, will proceed to personally interview the candidates that best fit the search they are performing. The objective of the interview is to know more about the applicants, which is why it is important to prepare properly for this instance, without losing sight of the fact that sincerity is the key factor for success in it.

In most cases, the interview takes place in the Company or the Consultant, and is performed "face to face", however other instances are also valid such as Telephone Interviews or Teleconferences (Skype for example), especially when the Interviewer Is distant geographically of the Interviewee. In any case, it is important to remember that an experienced interviewer will be able to easily detect and by any means (personal, telephone, chat, etc.) the frankness of the answers, as well as the suitability of the candidate for the required position.

The interview aims to know the candidate's competencies, as well as his temperament, personal style, skills as well as strengths and weaknesses for the position, and the other candidates for the position. For these reasons, it is important to prepare carefully for this instance, as it is the key to continue making progress in the selection process.

How to prepare for an interview?

It is important to obtain information from the company to which you are applying and the particular position. It is also essential to meditate in advance on their strengths and weaknesses and according to the position that is postulated, reflect on the skills required for it.

Types Of Job Interviews

Types Of Job Interviews

Telephone interview

With the passage of time it has become consolidated as one of the most used techniques and has become a more form of job interview. It is usually the first interview, and as the candidate progresses in the selection process, will be summoned to a personal interview instance. In any case, because it is the first contacts with the company, it is important to generate a good impression, as much as if it were a personal interview.

The telephone interview is easier compared to a personal interview, since the candidate does it from a much more comfortable and friendly environment, such as your home, which is why it is advisable to relax and feel sure of himself, because through this Interview the coach will not be able to perceive other aspects such as body language, he will only perceive his voice and how he transmits the message.

It is important to emphasize that the telephone interview can be of the "brief" type, whose objective is simply to confirm information of the curriculum and to explain some details of the proposal labor, or of the "extensive" type, that are the most similar to the personal interview. In this case the objective is to know if the candidate is suitable for the position, so that the caller will take into account many more aspects.

Usually in this instance, some questions are usually asked to discard the applicant, or allow him to advance in the process. If the company is looking to cover a position that involves rotating schedules, or move to the interior of the country, these are questions that are usually asked at this stage, since if the applicant does not agree to settle in the interior, or can not schedule , It is not necessary to continue advancing in the process, and to generate unrealistic expectations on either side. The same can happen in relation to the domain of some language. If the position requires a bilingual profile for example, a telephone interview is a good opportunity to validate, at least initially the language level that the applicant has, naturally, to assess the continuation in the process.

Although they are usually coordinated in advance, it is not always so, so it is important to always be prepared. We offer some keys to successfully overcome this stage of the selection process:
  • Have printed resume, paper and pencil to write down important aspects of the conversation.
  • Have prepared annotations that answer the classic questions about: strengths, reasons to look for a new job, availability to start over a certain period of time, etc.
  • Avoid ambient noises and distractions. It is better to ask to be called again, than to generate a negative opinion in the interviewer for not having an adequate scope to respond adequately to the call. When you are looking for work while you are busy in another company, and you are called to have a telephone interview, it is important that this call can be done without interruption, and that you can freely answer all the questions. It would not be good for the process, that it can not answer freely any questions, for fear that the boss or co-worker can hear that it is before a telephone interview. In this case, it is better to coordinate it for another time.
  • Although it sounds a bit strange, sit upright and maintain an attitude similar to what you would have in a personal interview, it also helps.
  • Speak clearly and accurately.
  • Do not smoke, drink or chew gum, as this can be perceived by the interviewer.

Individual Personal Interview

They are the most common of all. It is a conversation between the candidate and a representative of the company that offers the position. The interviewer will ask several questions, aimed at getting to know the candidate better and analyzing his / her profile according to the available position. For this reason, the questions vary in each case, as they depend on the interviewer and the position.

One of the main advantages of this type of interview is that it delves deeper into the different issues, there is more intimacy and it is easier to enter into conversation. Some experts say that the personal interview "is the moment of truth", because it is here when you can discover what the candidate's competencies, personality and style of communicating.

It is important to be yourself during the interview because it is an unpredictable test. One must show oneself as it is, although it is important to "sell" in the best way, nor should one act as a different person, because in the end it will have repercussions on the final result. In general, questions are considered as "personal", referring to family composition for example, as well as questions strictly related to "work", such as the tasks performed in the last work, the objectives reached, the reasons for which Is in search of a new job, and everything that the interviewer considers that contributes information to evaluate the suitability for the position offered. It is the place where you can go deeper into the aspects of the CV that are of interest to the interviewer, when clarifying situations and giving rise to more information on the part of the interview. 

In some cases the interview may have a "panel" format, where the company presents two or more interviewers. The objective of this type of interview is to evaluate from different points of view the interviewee and their incorporation in the company.

First impressions are very important, so it is important to act naturally, but taking care of both verbal and physical expressions. Some recommendations:

  • To be on time. It is essential to arrive a few minutes before the agreed time (without too much advance), and if it is delayed, give notice in advance.
  • Greet the Interviewer with a handshake, be it man or woman, smile slightly and look into the eyes.
  • Do not sit until you are told, and always do it straight, not too much on the edge of the chair.
  • Be attentive and interested and do not interrupt until it is your turn to respond.
  • Think before you answer and make it clear and briefly but not with "monosyllables" (yes, no, maybe, it can be). Try to express your opinion without going through the clouds or change the subject.
  • Be interested in the new job, but do not speak badly about your previous employers. While you are not required to answer all the questions, it is important to take advantage of this instance so the interviewer can get to know you better. If some questions bother you or you consider them irrelevant to the process, you can answer seriously but not aggressively. Many times these questions seek to value your emotional control. You can also make some queries, oriented to the company, the position, the possibilities of growth.

Some companies have supplanted this modality of "Individual personal interview" by "Video interviews" or "Online interviews", so that the same situation can be replicated in a virtual environment, through a teleconference. In these cases, almost the same premises apply, since the interviewer can also evaluate aspects related to body language, for example.

The job interview is not necessarily the time to perform psychological assessments. Although it is usual for the interviewer to be a psychologist, it is not essential that it be so. If the position warrants it, or if the company understands it, a series of evaluations may be carried out, which must be provided and analyzed by a professional, but they may not necessarily be made at the same time as the job interview. It is usual, if necessary, to call the applicant again to carry out the evaluations.

Group interview

These types of interviews are currently more frequent, companies practice it to know other candidates' abilities such as the ability to communicate, ability to react to a problem, work in a group. The labor market is becoming more dynamic and knowing how to work as a team has become an indispensable requirement. In this way you can observe the group work of a candidate respect to the other participants.

This interview aims to make the candidates lose their nerves and that everyone can participate in the debate.

The keys to success:

  • Be calm and follow common sense to solve any problem.
  • No reason to keep quiet.
  • Allow everyone to participate in the conversation.
  • Be respectful of the statements of others even though you do not share it.
  • Participate actively in the group, remembering that it is important to reach an agreement to achieve a solution.

In all cases, express your appreciation for the instance generated and make available to continue advancing in the process. You can ask discreetly about the next stages, the times that will be taken to contact you again or for a final definition.

A difficult subject ...

The economic aspects are always a difficult subject, however in the interview you can consult about the levels of salary, special benefits or compensations, without appearing that this is your main motivation. If the company asks you, it is important that you have previously studied what your expected remuneration would be, which can consist of fixed salary, variable, commissions as well as other additional benefits.


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